You just know that this letter has been written because someone on the GB is on the ganj for pain management. - pale.emperor
My bet's on Lett.
to all bodies of elders "handling cases of drug abuse".
september 1, 2018. to all bodies of elders re: handling cases of drug abusedear brothers: as noted below, the procedure for handling the misuse of marijuana and the abuse of medi- cal, illicit, or addictive drugs has been adjusted to harmonize with the procedure for handling the misuse of tobacco.
You just know that this letter has been written because someone on the GB is on the ganj for pain management. - pale.emperor
My bet's on Lett.
i'm not entirely sure where this has come from, but these past few months i've found myself gradually becoming more and more involved politically and identifying myself differently.
we all remember what it was like as jws, no political involvement whatsoever, no national pride, no singing the national anthem or saluting the flag etc.
the watchtower literature always shown artists renditions of nationalism or politics like this:.
First, I think that patriotism and nationalism are two terms that “the Society” consistently (and wrongly) conflates.
Patriotism is completely harmless. All it means is that you support your country, hope it is prosperous, successful, etc..
Nationalism could be negative/harmful. At its worst, it could mean that you think your country is the greatest, fuck everyone else, you all suck, go to hell, etc..
That being said, I don’t think I’ll ever be a big flag waver. My father (never a JW) worked for the Department of Defense for around 40 years. Pretty much every round of 120mm ammo that’s been shot from an American tank since the 70s has his fingerprint on it (he led R&D of 120mm tank ammunition).
Even so, he has never flown a flag at his home, and feels no need wear his allegiance to the USA on his sleeve. His patriotism amounts to his contribution to the safety and welfare of troops and US citizens via the weapons program he spent his life on. That’s it.
I kind of feel the same. Any jerk can wave a flag or sing a song. I think the most patriotic thing anyone can do is do their best to contribute something, big or small, to their community/country. In my opinion, people who do this — quietly, with little or no recognition — are some of the most patriotic people there are.
will you avoid nike or tend to not buy apparel because of their support of colin kap?
would you stop doing business with anyone simply because you disagree with their politics?
in california, in and out burger, democrats were being told not to support the chain because they donated to republicans.. will politics affect your spending habits?.
Um. .. no.
A while back there was some big kerfuffle because the owner of LL Bean was a big Trump supporter (I am not).
IMHO, LL Bean products are great, and I have and will continue to buy them because they're great.
I will not ban Nike because of the Kapernick(?) issue either. That being said, I wouldn't buy Nikes because I think they are overpriced and suck.
I like Asics.
in my studies i’ve come to realize that most dying and rising gods such as inanna, jesus and others all were dead three days and nights.
the moon is dead as far as man not being able to see it in the sky three days and nights but many of these gods are not associated with the moon, osiris maybe being the only exception.
have any of you in your research come up with a plausible idea on why there all dead just threes days and three nights?.
i don't have kids, but i recently found that someone with kids that lives in my town is also an ex-jw.
she just happened to post on an apostafest thread on facebook for an event that i attended, saw that we lived in the same place, and i met her for the first time tonight.
pretty cool.. she has a 14 year old boy that is super smart and very articulate.
Third, there's that 1994(?) Awake magazine with the cover that has all those pictures of now-dead JW kids who died because they were brainwashed into refusing blood transfusions.
May 22, 1994. I have no idea how a judge even just briefly thumbing through this mag would not see JWs as a harmful cult.
sept 2018.
Let's review: It's a cult!
... they've accepted me!
finance is already sorted - they're waiting for me to give them my new student number so that they can start paying me.
just need to formally accept bristol's offer and sort out accommodation.. accommodation should be ok - i've been told priority is given to new students, plus i'm enrolling onto a program for a real degree as a postgraduate - i won't be studying gender studies or some crap like that.
Awesome! Congrats!
whether you like him or not.... it doesn’t matter.
do you think he will be impeached?
Looks very likely at this point. However, I feel the same as Apostate Anonymous:
All I know, regardless of what eventually happens, impeachment or not, NOTHING substantial is going to change in this country.
The greatest (and honestly the only) disappointment I've had since waking up is in the political system in the US. Trump, Bush, Clintons, Obama --- all ineffectual (at best) if you ask me.
my quora campaign of answering all jw related questions truthfully with evidence is going well.
however, one jw had the audacity to claim that "jws do not shun".
they seem to want to present a fake, squeeky clean image to non-members and seem to get angry when answering questions regarding shunning.. like this asshole, dennis cybulski.
You are obviously NOT a Jehovah’s Witness as JW’s do NOT shun. - Dennis Cybulski
The Amish practice permanent shunning as well as temporary shunning much the same as we do. - Dennis Cybulski
So this means that JWs do NOT SHUN, but when they do, it's similar to the Amish. Riiiiiight. . . . .
we all know tony the turd has an obsession with boys in tight pants.
i cant help but wonder what he thought about brother nelson (aka.
prince) who was known to squeeze into some tight numbers from time to time?.
I think I know exactly what TM3 thought of Prince: $$$$$$$$$$$$$